CBD is Skyrocketing in Popularity
A new survey conducted by JustCBD reveals that CBD products have become more popular as people are struggling with their mental health, especially during the pandemic. 24.8% of the 20 000 respondents indicated they take CBD for better sleep, 22.7% used it for relaxation, 22.5% for pain, and 19.8% to relieve anxiety.
Most of the respondents (89%) revealed they had tried CBD for the first time during the last six months. As the results show – half of the respondents use CBD products once a day, while a third – several times a day. The pandemic has greatly impacted the mental well-being of many, so it is no surprise people mostly choose to use it in the evening – after a long and stressful day.
Explore Consequence Shop's full array of CBD products, including GWAR's Bud of Gods tincture and Delta 8 gummies.